Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Big Freakin Surprise!

I just read this week's two most anticipated comic books, at least for True Believers. Civil War #7 and Amazing Spider-Man #538, and let me just say...

Civil War: At this time, the best ending I can think of to this whole shebang. An outstanding comic with /astounding/ art, and treats most characters with decent respect, with the possible exception of Taskmaster.

Amazing Spider-Man 538: J. Michael Straczynski rivals popular perception of Brian Michael Bendis for wasting time, spending the first 23 pages of the book on maintaining the exact same status quo as last book. literally nothing, and creating a plot hole- Spider-Man is clearly present at the end of Civil War #7, so why the news organizations list him as missing is a mystery- and if he is missing, then most of the Rebel forces are as well. I can't wait for this exhausted hack to slough off this title. Again he shows his penchant for literary masturbation, oozing his lousy , pseudo-philosophical text over serviceable art by Jim Garney, before finally giving us the final page- a possibly (but not likely) fatal shot to one of the Spider-Family. There are about a million interesting and timely things he could have shown us in this book- Why Spider-Man didn't surrender, if he was offered one of the amnesties referred to in CW #6, if he wasn't offered one because of Iron Man being hella pissed at him. I would have loved it if half the book had shown a couple extra frames from CW #7's battle, even if it was just Iron Man and Spidey trying to get at each other in that hectic battlefield. Straczynski's dialogue is passable- why couldn't he have given us a little more choice interaction with the clearly incensed Tony and our hero? What a waste of paper.

More on the rest of this week's books by friday.

1 comment:

naporeon said...

For the love of Pete, who was it?

I'm certainly not going to be picking up any JMS Spidey shit anytime soon.