Thursday, February 22, 2007

New Avengers: Illuminati #2

This was a great comic book I think the cover really says it all.
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There's something exciting about this team- bear with me, if you haven't heard it before. Reed Richard, Tony Stark, Dr. Strange, Charles Xavier, Black Bolt and Namor.

Is there basically anything that they cannot do? I say thee nay.


naporeon said...

Is there basically anything that they cannot do? I say thee nay.

Well, they can't play a full-team game of Karaoke Revolution.

Or DDR, for that matter.

Unknown said...

Hahahaha, awesome, Eric.

By the way, is that THE INFINITY GAUNTLET I see on Reed Richard's hands? And if so why are there any problems left in the multiverse?

It must a novelty oven-mitt.